The Madera/Chowchilla Resource Conservation District

Cover Crop

Cover crops are a proven agricultural practice that offers significant benefits to almond orchards, including improved soil health, enhanced nutrient cycling, and increased beneficial insect populations. By integrating cover crops into your management plan, you can address challenges such as soil compaction, runoff, and erosion while promoting long-term sustainability. Explore how cover crops can transform your orchard into a more resilient and productive ecosystem.
Timing of Cover Crop Management in Almonds

Cover Crop

Timing of Cover Crop Management in Almonds

The timeline summarizes the major management operations for integrating cover crops into almond. For more information
about each of the five management steps, including questions to asking during the planning step and additional cover
cropping strategies, see the full Best Management Practices guide, available at

CAFF Perennial Cover Crop Decision Guide

Cover cropping has been found to be an excellent agricultural practice for providing benefits associated with soil health, nutrient cycling and increasing beneficial insects, as well as for solving problems associated with poor field conditions (compaction, runoff, erosion).
Cover Crops Best Management Practices BMPs

Cover Crops Best Management Practices BMPs

Cover cropping has been found to be an excellent agricultural practice for providing benefits associated with soil health, nutrient cycling and increasing beneficial insects, as well as for solving problems associated with poor field conditions (compaction, runoff, erosion).
CAFF Annual Cover Crop Decision Guide 2021

CAFF Annual Cover Crop Decision Guide 2021

In annual cropping systems, cover crops are typically planted as winter annual green manure mixes which are planted in the fall and mowed and/or incorporated in the spring. The possible species listed for this table would be included in green manure mixes.

MCRCD Resources (English)

MCRCD Resources (English)

MCRCD Resources (Spanish)

MCRCD Resources (Spanish)

Cover Crop Planning Support

Cover Crop Planning Support