Strategic Plan

MCRCD Strategic Plan 2022-2027

The Madera/Chowchilla Resource Conservation District’s Strategic Plan for 2022-2027 outlines our commitment to advancing conservation efforts across our community. This plan focuses on sustainable resource management, enhancing agricultural resilience, and fostering strong partnerships. By setting clear goals and priorities, we aim to protect and sustain the natural resources that are vital to the well-being of our region.

Strategic Plan

Madera/Chowchilla Resource Conservation District Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Prepared For:
The Resource Conservation District Board of Directors

Prepared By:
Amy Siliznoff, District Manager

Working to become a resource for conservation practices and agriculture on private and public lands in our county.The vision of the Madera/Chowchilla Resource Conservation District is to provide education and technical guidance in sustainable resource conservation and management to our communities, landowners, and managers, both current and future.
The Madera/Chowchilla Resource Conservation District envisions a future where our natural resources are protected and sustainably managed. We aim to foster resilient ecosystems, promote effective conservation practices, and build lasting community partnerships to ensure a thriving environment for future generations.

Strategic Goal 1: Support our local landowners to identify and address their conservation priorities

  • Objective 1 – Create conservation programs to benefit and support our local landowners navigate through SGMA
  • Objective 2 – Collaborate with our neighboring RCD’s, NGO’s, NRCS, and governmental agencies to meet conservation goals
  • Objective 1 – Improve soil health
  • Objective 2 – Work with local agencies to protect groundwater quality and quantity
  • Objective 3 – Improve and promote wildlife habitat on private and public lands
  • Objective 4 – Improve air quality related to agriculture operations


1. Create connections with local landowners to introduce conservation options and opportunities

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Collect customer needs from conservation plans
  2. Review and analyze options with landowners to identify top ten priorities
  3. Provide support and current research/resources to our landowners on SGMA, and educate them on soil health and other conservation benefits to assist them through SGMA implementation


2. Strengthen and diversify the RCD client base Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Network with local agencies for outreach events to gain a diversified audience
  2. Develop outreach events (3-4 a year) to continue growing client base
  3. Prioritize outreach to disadvantaged communities and historically underserved landowners


3. Actively work with partnering agencies to find funding opportunities to create conservation programs in Madera

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Meet with local partners monthly to discuss collaborative opportunities
  2. Search for conservation grants through portals and grant websites
  3. Meet with local landowners to find specific conservation needs that need to be addressed, and create programs based on popular needs in Madera


1. Network with local conservation agencies to review options and opportunities for landowners in Madera

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Meet with local agencies monthly to discuss priority resource concerns
  2. Discuss ways to collaborate on projects and outreach events
  3. Create relationships with new agencies to further the RCDs audience in Madera


2. Share BMP’s and innovative solutions to maximize conservation benefits

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Work with partners to identify and implement science-based knowledge on farming operations
  2. Identify and apply best practices gained through funded projects
  3. Work with agencies that work closely with DAC’s and disadvantaged communities to increase conservation planning on their operations


3. Continue to align efforts with partnering agencies

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Coordinate conservation goals collaboratively
  2. Identify common resource goals and coordinate efforts
  3. Create working groups with partner agencies to continue conservation discussions


1. Increase acreage of cover crops in San Joaquin Valley

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Incorporate cover cropping in conservation planning with landowners
  2. Share scientific resources and research on the benefits of cover cropping
  3. Work with UC Advisors and RCDs on research for infiltration of water using cover crops


2. Share soil health science and research with landowners and farmers through website and informative workshop events

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Host a minimum of 3-4 workshop events yearly
  2. Keep updated resources on website on soil health benefits
  3. Create a monthly newsletter to share farmer experience on implementing soil health practices


3. Integrate soil health practices in conservation planning process

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Discuss resource concerns and integrate cover crops and other soil health practices in conservation plans
  2. Utilize the RCDs RCPP (Regional Conservation Partnership Program) to outreach and share program with local landowners
  3. Work with NRCS and utilize the soil health field assessment tool to evaluate conservation practices


1. Assist with the reduction of groundwater depletion in Madera’s critically overdrafted basins

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Promote recharge projects: on-farm recharge and recharge basins
  2. Work closely with Madera County on SGMA outreach and education
  3. Utilize DOC land repurposing plan to discuss recharge options available to landowners


2. Work with RCD’s, NGO’s, NRCS, and governmental agencies to enhance surface andgroundwater quality and quantity

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Meet with organizations, including FloodMAR network to continue discussions of groundwater quality and ways to increase groundwater levels
  2. Utilize the RCDs CDFA Mobile Irrigation Lab Program to assist landowners with irrigation evaluations and distribution uniformity testing to conserve water


3. Work with East San Joaquin Water Coalition to prevent the overuse of nitrates in Madera County

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Meet with landowners to discuss risks of over spraying
  2. Host workshop events including ESJWC to educate landowners on CV salts and resources available to them including the Chowchilla Nitrate Control Program


1. Increase conservation planning to incorporate terrestrial wildlife and habitat

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Promote habitat projects with local landowners through conservation planning
  2. Work closely with CARCD and other RCDs to increase knowledge base of habitat projects
  3. Implement projects that address habitat needs for at-risk and prioritized species.


2. Incorporate habitat restoration education in local schools and education programs

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Increase awareness of habitat restoration projects by working with local school programs on pollinator gardens and habitat restoration projects
  2. Host educational workshop events for local school gardening programs
  3. Plan a restoration project collaboratively with a local community


3. Collaborate with neighboring RCDs and other partners to enhance wildlife habitat

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Coordinate with partners to increase wildlife restoration projects
  2. Incorporate training to employees on wildlife conservation practices
  3. Attend collaborative SJV Monarch Working Group and other habitat enhancement working groups to continue conversations surrounding local habitat restoration projects in local communities


1. Support landowners in achieving greenhouse gas net zero emissions

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Promote projects that address GHG
  2. Reduce GHG emission sources
  3. Coordinate with local agencies to share resources with landowners on ways to reduce GHG emissions


2. Examine and take-action on air quality issues

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Promote air quality through using wise farming practice by incorporating crop rotation to help protect the soils from wind
  2. Encourage the use of practices that have been proven to reduce wind erosion


3. Work with San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District on sharing resources and
current incentives for landowners on incorporating practices to reduce air pollution

Tactics/Plan Detail:

  1. Keep landowners up to date on current regulations
  2. Share current incentives and grant opportunities to assist landowners with transitioning over to better farming practices to reduce air pollution

Strategic Plan Overview

Charting a Course for Sustainable Conservation

Our Strategic Plan 2022-2027 outlines a comprehensive approach to advancing conservation and resource management in Madera and Chowchilla. By setting clear goals and strategies, we are committed to addressing key environmental challenges and fostering sustainable practices. We invite you to explore our plan and join us in making a meaningful impact on our community and natural resources.

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